The Female Job

WHAT is the “females” job? And frankly, why is it the females job, like fixing the mans plate, cooking, cleaning. Why is it insulting to the man if a women is the provider? I know a man that complains everyday anout work and wants to just be the lazy parent but will never give his wife the satisfaction of being the “breadwinner”. Is it intimidation or is it just because they’re a women? I really would love to understand…

Posted from TheMind of Yayaoa

Life Is Legacy

I use to feel like a dark cloud draping over me, that my tongue has been cut out. I felt that i lost all heart and pride to have a opinion anymore. That blogging is well respected but i felt like i was shouting into the void. Is this life or is God just giving us time to walk around unknowingly until we fall. Others would say life is what you make it but what if its really what control you give others to make of it. Control thats easily given, like loving a man or woman not knowing what that love will do to you. Or the control of letting someone else take the wheel (literally) and soon your short life is even shorter. Life is fragile and weak a broken screw, a metal bullet, a iron knife can penetrate and deplete your existing. 

See i believe life is the the legacy and memory you leave behind. Life is the moments you are remembered for, the times no one can take or change. It’s like every life is a fingerprint, no two are the same, its unique and belongs to only one, “scanned” through a system to always be remembered and kept. Someone said to me the best thing a artist can do for their art is die. 

So this really is just living, and i refuse to leave this world without leaving behind a life to be remembered by. I want my fingerprint to be scanned, i want a legacy. No matter how big or small, a legacy just the same.